Переглядаючи даний сайт необхідно зважати на те, що контент на ньому давно не
оновлювався, бази довідкових даних відсутні (не створені), через що такого типу
інформаційні послуги в дистанційний спосіб через сайт отримати неможливо.
Тому, сайт вважається покинутим.
В разі потреби необхідно звертатись до архівного відділу в інший спосіб
(безпосередньо, Укрпоштою, електронною поштою або по телефону).
Можна спробувати знайти потрібну інформацію на сайті комунальної
Бориспільської міськради «Бориспільський трудовий архів», де бази довідкових
систематично поповнюються та активно функціонує ряд дистанційних сервісів, таких як:
електронний каталог, інтерактивний зворотний зв’язок з громадянами, електронне
діловодство, електронні описих фондів (з пошуковою системою котра здійснює пошук, як
по базах на даному сайті, так і по всіх сайтах архівних установ Київської області де
створені бази даних).
Оператор мережі
History of Archive
History archives
During World War II the city suffered heavy losses, almost everything was burned by invaders . Documents pre-war period have not survived , since they are not paid enough attention.
The city was liberated from the occupation of 23 September 1943 , and the Village Council Boryspil district subordination reopened in September 1943.
For archive allocated space on the street. , 24 (on the street today . Kyiv path where built house with room stomatpolikliniky ). The building is owned forestry enterprise , and next placed - SES and departmental residential apartment. In 1972, the archives moved to a new building on the street . Chekhov which were also near : registrar, urban utilities and the Bureau of Technical Inventory.
In order to streamline document enterprises, institutions and organizations in 1964, was created when a group of self-supporting regional state archives . When the group was working team that is engaged in the manufacture of special boxes for storage of archival documents and supplied them public records area and in some cases the records of other regions of Ukraine. In 1975 stopped producing boxes due to the reduction in orders.
On January 1, 1957 in connection with the petition of the executive committee of Boryspil District Council of People's Deputies by a decision of the executive committee of the Kyiv Regional Council of People's Deputies of 12.30.1956 , № 980 urban- type Boryspil transferred to the category of district subordination.
Archival department of the City Council began operating in 1975.
In 1975, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 03.03.1975 , the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR 10.03 '75 number 123 and the decision of the executive committee of the Kyiv Regional Council of 31.03.1975 , the city is classified as cities of regional subordination.
The decision of the City Council of 17.04.1975 № 82 "On approval of the Executive Committee of the staffing department at 1975 " approved staffing , including :
- The municipal archives - 1 person. (head ) with a salary of 87.50 rubles.
In connection with the establishment of the municipal archives , redistribution documents that he had handed over the documents of institutions and organizations that were in the city that this kept in the State Archives Regional Council .
The first head of the archives was Andrey Marchenko.
On October 1, 1975 Accepted for the post head. City Archives Bykovets Lyudmila Gavrilovna who worked about thirty years.
Since 2001 head. City archives appointed Vykhrova Zoe , who worked in that position until August 2008 .
In order to prevent the destruction of documents on personnel liquidated enterprises , institutions and organizations , including and private sectors from 01.01.2004 open labor archive in accordance with the decision of the City Council session Boryspil HH1V calling from 18.12.2003 № 116- H.HH1V "On creation of employment Archives Executive Committee Boryspil City Council »
In 2004, the archive of allocated space in the building of the Treasury , which he takes to the present . ( Leased premises ).
In the archival department stores documents included in the National Archive Fund ( NAF ).
All rename archive
In 2002, as decided by the Board of Boryspil City Council of 03.10.2002 , № 78 " On approval of the Archives Department Boryspil City Council " approved by the session Boryspil City Council of 29.10.2002 № 27 S.111.HH1V "On Approval of Board decisions city Council » city State archive renamed the Archives Department Boryspil City Council is the executive body of the city council accountable and controlled by the Council, which it created , subject to its Executive Committee and the Mayor , and on the implementation of delegated executive powers in the field of archives and record keeping are also controlled by the National Archives area , the State Committee on Archives of Ukraine in the manner prescribed by law.
According to the executive okmitetu Boryspil City Council of 12.11.2012 № 1071 " On approval of the Executive Committee of archival Boryspilskoyi City Council" section renamed : Archival Department of the Boryspil City Council .
The main objectives
Ensuring compliance with the legislation of Ukraine on the National Archival Fund and Archival Institutions , Management of Archives and control the conduct of proceedings in the city.
Updating the National Archival Fund documents that are of local importance, their registration , recording , storage and use of their information.
Development and approval of the State Archive of the region submit for approval by the Mayor of targeted programs of archives in ensuring their implementation.
Drafting instructions mayor , decisions of the Executive Committee , Department of Archives and organization of archival units.
Preparation of annual, semi-annual, operational ( month ), weekly work plans.
- In order to provide quality services to the residents of providing accounting, storage and protection:
the NAF documents that have accumulated during the current activities and those that were previously on the territory of modern , state agencies, local governments, enterprises , institutions and organizations;
documents of the National Archival Fund , formed in the process of union , cooperative , creative , and other associations, with their consent referred to the department ;
the origin of personal documents received by the department;
documentary photographs and audiovisual documents on the history of the city;
documents submitted in the manner prescribed by law for permanent or temporary storage of enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership , as well as associations of citizens;
printed, illustrated and other materials that complement of instruments and are used for reference and information work ;
records and references to documents .
Organizes work on making documents in the National Archive Fund or remove documents from his private entities regardless of ownership , that are in the area of recruitment .
Held in due course registration, survey and analysis of archival institutions established in the city , regardless of ownership and subordination.
On behalf of the State Committee monitors compliance with the owners of the NAF documents legal requirements regarding the ownership of these documents .
Inform the State Archive of the detection area of archival documents that are not of the owner or the owner is unknown , and the sale of the NAF documents to implement state -emptive right to purchase them.
Prepares and in consultation with the State Archive of the field takes the Mayor for approval a list of companies, institutions and organizations , documents are to be stored in the department, preparing proposals for clarifying this list.
Takes -deposit documents of the National Archival Fund of the local authorities, utility companies , institutions and organizations of the city , as well as archival documents of citizens and their associations.
Takes deposited archival records of local authorities, utility companies , institutions and organizations that eliminated without defining successors.
Checks archival work units and record keeping services to enterprises, institutions and organizations that are in the area of acquisition , regardless of ownership for the purpose of monitoring compliance deadlines storage of archival documents , requirements for storage conditions , procedures for accounting and access provides services units and methodological assistance in organizing the management and storage of documents.
City Council Submits proposals for the organization of the labor archives for centralized interim storage of archival documents accumulated in the official documentation , labor , or other legal entities and individuals in the city and other archival documents that do not belong to the National Archival Fund provides consultative and methodological assistance in organizing its activities.
Informs the city council, state archives region of the facts of loss, destruction, damage archival documents , and other violations of the law on the National Archival Fund and Archival Institutions .
Delivers consolidated records of archival documents that preserve local authorities , utility companies , institutions and organizations and sources of acquisition of the NAF documents belonging to citizens , provides adequate information about their state archives area.
Organized on a contractual basis providing services to enterprises, institutions and organizations that are in the area of recruitment , with scientific and technological processing of documents and the use of information , development of manuals of archives and records management , training of archivists departments and services management companies, institutions and organizations.
Sends the transaction to the state archives in the region by their terms of the NAF documents and supplement them for permanent storage.
Creates and develops supplement to the NAF documents that are stored in the department.
Inform the public authorities , local governments , enterprises , institutions and organizations of the structure and content of documents stored in the department provides the NAF documents for use by individuals and legal entities , publishes , exhibits and promotes some form of archival documents, highlights its activities in the media, on the Executive Committee , the advertising media , and performs other functions for the effective use of information contained in the documents of the National Archival fund.
Issues enterprises, institutions and organizations archival reference, copies and extracts of documents stored in the department and citizens - Help socio- legal and otherwise meets the needs of businesses and individuals , the use of archival information.
Organized review in due course orders restricting access to documents of additions to archival documents reasonably request personal written rebuttal or add false information about the person.
Studies, generalizes and extends the experience of archival institutions.
- Department accountable and controlled pleased that it has formed, its Executive Committee and mayor, manager of the City Council, and on the implementation of delegated executive powers in the field of archives and records management is also controlled by the National Archives area, state archival service of Ukraine in the manner prescribed by law.
The first head of the archives was Andrey Marchenko.
At 30 years (from October 1975 to January 2003), the same teacher was Bykovets Ludmila Gavrilovna.
- From January 2003 to August 2008 - Vykhrova Zoya.
Previously referred to in the text - Andrey Marchenko (Preview)
- Bykovets Ludmila Gavrilovna (Preview)
- Vykhrova Zoya (Preview)